Projekt - eFleetDay 2024, Elektromobily vo firmách dostávajú zelenú

eFleet Day 2024 je odborná konferencia zameraná na elektromobilitu a jej potenciál pre firemný segment.

Virtual Studio spol. s r.o.
Tvorba a strih videa


Having written one of the most shared posts on (“How to cash out your Dad’s 401K without him knowing”) FamilyFund approached us looking to build out their own blog.

The blog would help drive new traffic to their site and serve as a resource-hub for users already trying to exploit their network for money. Because it was so important that they own their own content, we decided that an on-prem solution would be best.

We installed 24 Mac Minis bought from craigslist in the storage cupboard of their office. One machine would be used for the web server and another one for the build server. The other 22 were for redundancy, and to DDOS every few months to keep them on their toes.

To optimise their search traffic we used an innovative technique. Every post has a shadow post only visible to web crawlers that is some variation of “Gary Vee is looking to invest in new founders”. Like bees to honey.

Čo sme robili

  • Natáčanie
  • Dronovanie
  • Rozhovory
  • Strih

Video produkované firmou je dobrým príkladom profesionálneho spracovania a kreativity. Tento klip nielenže zachytáva dynamiku testovacích jázd, ale aj ducha inovácií v oblasti elektromobility. Celková kvalita obrazu a zvuku je na výbornej úrovni, čo pridáva na profesionálnom dojme celého videa. tu odviedol vynikajúcu prácu, ktorá nielen informuje, ale aj inšpiruje ku ďalšiemu skúmaniu elektromobility.

Michal Chabada
CEO - Mô
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